Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Jaida here.

I really surprised moms this weekend. I am getting too big for my crate-bed, so moms let me sleep in my playroom with just my BAY-BEE gate across the door. After my sleep, I was feeling awake and beansy and strong and didn't want to be downstairs all by myself, so I ESCAPED!!!

With the mighty strongness of my THREE GOOD LEGS, I climbed right over that BAY-BEE gate and went upstairs to wake up sleepy, lazy ol' moms. They were very surprised to see me...I don't know why, because they should know by now that I am a very clever gal and can do anything if I really want to. I still want them to help me up onto the bed though, which is what they did after I woke them up.

Here is the conquered BAY-BEE Gate Mountain from which I ESCAPED:

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