Wednesday, September 19, 2007

O ye of little faith.

Crystal here.

Ok, that title was for my benefit.

Jaida did fine. No puke, poo, pee or chewed-up things in sight after Gracie and I got home from the vet. There were, however, songs, sighs and stories about her day alone that lasted a good TWO HOURS, then Kim got to hear about them all over again when SHE got home. Sheesh. Rotten loudmouth german shepherds.

Gracie did wonderfully, although she was supremely stoned and glassy-eyed for the evening. Back to her usual self, and carrying her heaviest, hardest, bumpiest toy around in her mouth in the morning, making me cringe.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Home ALONE!!!

Crystal here.

We've done the unthinkable (well, in Jaida's mind anyways)...Jaida's home alone today.

The oh-so-fabulous Miss Gracie, Jaida's buddy and constant companion, is visiting the vet for the day. Why? She has somehow managed to CRACK IN HALF one of her teeth, so it needs to be surgically removed. How does one crack a tooth in half, for pete's sake? I mean, I understand that the little ones in the front can get chipped easily enough, but CRIPES! There, I circled the one she's HUGE (called a carnassial)! Ouch. It's the main one used for chewing/ more bones for Gracie after this I guess, she's gonna be all gummy. She may actually lose them on both sides...we noticed that what used to be a tartar lump on the other, non-cracked upper carnassial, is now a tartar-free tooth with a red spot that looks suspiciously like a hole. Siiiiggghhhh.

So, we dog-proofed the house as much as possible, closed all the doors to all the rooms, but I suspect that we will come home to a very distressed and talkative (read: whingy, panty, groany) Jaida, a.k.a. Miss Separation Anxiety, and ample quantities of poo, pee, puke or chewed-up stuff. I planted treats and toys all over the house to keep her busy before I snuck out with Gracie, but I'll be very surprised if she made it through the day without a melt down.

Gracie, a.k.a. Miss Sensitivity is likely to be all sad and sucky when we pick her up tonight. Just look at that face:

Yup, she's going to be a big suck-head tonight.